Smart Sound is a patented invention for Smart Cities

Admins manage user accounts, setup up music streams, sonic announcements, manage weather sensors, and send alerts to nearby residents about events and weather.
Admins can also manually schedule and promote events, message performers, send alerts to patrons, manage advertisements, and monitor the power/health of each unit.
Performers can register with Lamp Amp, find a Lamp Amp on sidewalks or in parks, connect to the system, and begin performing.
With our entertainment solution, admins control the audio, manage performer access, and manage alerts about shows.
Patrons discover Lamp Amp from walking by a performance, seeing a social media post, or reading a local article.
Patrons can make cashless tips/payments to performers and follow them on social media.
With our entertainment solution, a map inside the app displays event locations to patrons.
Product Demo: Kingston, Jamaica
Smart Sound was featured at the UNESCO Music Business Symposium
Met with the Kingston, Jamiaca Mayor, Delroy Williams, as well as the Director of Tourism, Bob Marley Family, Director of the Ministry of Culture, and Former Manager of Shaggy

Continuous Improvement
Continuing expansion of Smart Sound through app and hardware improvements, and live testing in Columbus, Ohio!