W*nder CBD Seltzer & Alcohol Alternative (12 Pack)

Sale Price:$54.00 Original Price:$60.00

Since I gave up alcohol, my maximum energy output has doubled. Several days each week, I’ll go to the gym twice a day!

When drinking alcohol, I didn’t realize how sluggish it made me the following day or following week. The lower energy became my ‘new normal’ and I didn’t realize how it was taxing my output, focus, and even my decision making.

I removed alcohol entirely and switched to W*nder, a non-THC drink that reduces inflammation in the body. The drink has been medicinal for me, supporting focus, social desire, a sense of wellness, and the best part: no sluggishness or hang over the next day. I discovered the drink at Local Cantina in Columbus, Ohio. I couldn’t find it in any grocery stores, so I partnered with the Founder to offer it here.

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Sold in A Pack of 6 Seltzers

Safe CBD & Free
of THC

It’s hard to know if your CBD products are safe and legit. That’s why we openly share fact sheets for every one of our products.

Flavors by chefs, not chemists

Helping you relax, keeping you moving, or making you feel more balanced, we want to help you say goodbye to pain, stress, and bad moods and say hello to brighter days ahead.